Engage with members of the community!
MSU Eid Party

Join MSU in Old Union Courtyard on Thursday, May 13th at 7:30 PM for a beautiful Eid evening with Halal pizza, baklava, Eid themed photo booth & Polaroid pictures, Nasheeds, Henna tattoos, and more! We are excited for a joyful night with community to celebrate the completion of Ramadan.
Event is for on-campus authorized affiliates only.
What's happening on campus?

On-campus Ramadan events have been organized by MSU and ORSL and will start on April 15th. Everyone approved to be on campus will be able to enjoy nightly iftars and prayers in Old Union Courtyard and White Plaza. Contact msu-officers@lists.stanford.edu with any questions.
To attend you have to sign up for contact tracing. Contact tracing will be managed by the Office for Religious and Spiritual life as they are organizing the space. You can sign up here:
Plan to come a few minutes before Maghrib! You can find the prayer times here. We will be praying Maghrib and Taraweeh in White Plaza.
We will be praying on the grass in White Plaza like we do in the Open Iftar. We are not allowed to provide tarps or prayer mats so you should bring your own prayer mat if you want to use one for either Maghrib or Taraweeh.
There will be limited bathroom space open in the Nitery, in case you need to use the bathroom or make wudu there, but please do make wudu before you come as the space is very limited.
Six feet of distance have to be kept between people who are not in the same household during prayer and masks are required.
We will have Iftar every single night in Old Union courtyard inshaAllah. Food will be provided by MSU in individually wrapped plates, and masks are required when not eating. Tables will be set up in the Old Union courtyard and placed 6 feet apart, and there cannot be more than three households at one table.
Volunteers needed! In order to execute our plan for the month, we need your help volunteering –you can help in a variety of ways, including ordering food, setting up, cleaning up, etc.. Please drop your name and phone number in this form if you’re interested in volunteering so we can contact you: https://forms.gle/pnau1JwShq2AWbi66
Suhoor: A reminder for anyone on the meal plan, suhoor boxes will be available for pick-up at the Arrillaga and Lakeside Stanford Dining locations. You can sign up to receive them here tinyurl.com/suhoor-sign-up For any feedback or concerns, please contact Aneeqa Abid.
Jumaas will still be held in Wilbur Field with khutba at 12:40 and salat at the time of the Zhuhr Athan. Here is the contact tracing form to be filled out every week: tinyurl.com/msujumaa
Iftar Plates

Break fast with people in your timezone!