Virtual Ramadan

Event updates
Ramadan mubarak from the Markaz, the Muslim Student Union, the Office for Religious and Spiritual Life!
To better connect our student community during the blessed month of Ramadan, our organizations have launched Virtual Ramadan, an inclusive and accessible online experience. Featuring live Zoom events, community art projects, and social platforms to gather, Virtual Ramadan has something for everyone!
For the full Virtual Ramadan experience, we invite you to join us on Slack & Toucan.
Our Slack workspace will connect you with community members around the globe! Join the workspace by clicking here, or sign on to https://stanford.enterprise.slack.com/ and search “Stanford Ramadan 2021” in Stanford work spaces. For Slack support, contact Manar Barsi at mbarsi@stanford.edu.
Toucan is a new social platform we will be using hang out. Links will posted on our event calendar, but you can sign up for a free account here.
Have questions? Reach out to us at stanfordvirtualramadan@gmail.com!
This project could not have happened without the support of the Graduate School of Education's Digital Learning Initiative.
Thank you to Shelly Goldman, Keith Bowen, Wilson Wang, and the rest of the team!